Brussels Mat. Step 2.a Construction Aggregates

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
In [62]:
constructions = pd.read_excel('IBSA/11.2_amenagement_territoire_parc_batiments_20170626.xlsx',
                    sheetname='', skiprows = 1, #header = 0,
                    index_col = 0, skip_footer = 10)
constructions.loc[:, 'region'] = constructions.index
constructions = constructions.set_index('Année')
In [63]:
Bâtiments résidentiels Unnamed: 3 Unnamed: 4 Unnamed: 5 Unnamed: 6 Unnamed: 7 Unnamed: 8 Bâtiments non résidentiels Unnamed: 10 Unnamed: 11 Unnamed: 12 Unnamed: 13 region
NaN Nouvelles constructions NaN NaN NaN NaN Rénovation NaN Nouvelles constructions NaN NaN Rénovation NaN NaN
NaN Nombre de bâtiments Nombre de logements Nombre d'appartements Nombre de bâtiments avec un seul logement Superficie habitable (m²) Nombre de bâtiments Nombre de logements Nombre de bâtiments Nombre de logements Volume (m³) Nombre de bâtiments Nombre de logements Colonne3
1996.0 234 1375 1231 144 167147 960 2264 77 36 1670453 167 117.938 Région de Bruxelles-Capitale
1996.0 3875 4693 1003 3690 723710 2102 2389 489 64 2378497 367 43.015 Brabant flamand
1996.0 1324 2546 1319 1227 308394 949 1460 177 24 724580 143 27.3 Brabant wallon
In [56]:
def get_new_cols(iterable, keyword):
    if not isinstance(keyword, str):
        keyword = 'NaN'
    new_cols_0 = list()
    old_cols = str()
    for i in iterable:
        if not isinstance(i, str):
            i = 'NaN'
        if keyword in i or keyword == i:
            old_cols = i
In [57]:
new_cols_0 = get_new_cols(constructions.columns, 'Unnamed')
new_cols_1 = get_new_cols(constructions.iloc[0,:], np.nan)
new_cols_2 = get_new_cols(constructions.iloc[1,:], np.nan)
In [59]:
constructions.columns = [new_cols_0, new_cols_1, new_cols_2]
constructions = constructions.iloc[2:, :]
inx = constructions.region == 'Région de Bruxelles-Capitale'
constructions = constructions.loc[inx.iloc[:,0]]
constructions = constructions.iloc[:,:-1]
In [6]:
constructions = constructions.T.sort_index()
In [7]:
sqm = constructions.loc[(
    #'Bâtiments résidentiels',
    #slice('Nouvelles constructions'),
        #'Superficie habitable (m²)',
        #'Nombre de logements',
        'Nombre de bâtiments'
), :]
In [8]:
sqm.index = sqm.index.droplevel([-1])
sqm_per = pd.concat([
    pd.DataFrame(sqm.iloc[0].div(sqm.iloc[1] + sqm.iloc[0]).mul(100), columns=['Non Residential']),
    pd.DataFrame(sqm.iloc[2].div(sqm.iloc[3] + sqm.iloc[2]).mul(100), columns=['Residential'])],
In [9]:
g = sqm_per.plot(figsize=(10, 5))
g.set_ylabel(r'Share of new constructions $[\%]$');
g.set_title("Share of new constructed buildings of total constructed buildings");
for i in [0, 1]:
    year_max = sqm_per.index[sqm_per.iloc[:, i] == sqm_per.iloc[:, i].max()][0]
    year_min = sqm_per.index[sqm_per.iloc[:, i] == sqm_per.iloc[:, i].min()][0]
    g.text(year_max, sqm_per.iloc[:, i].max(),
           "{1:0.2f} $\%$\n{0:0.0f} (max)".format(year_max, sqm_per.iloc[:, i].max()),
           style='italic', horizontalalignment='right',
           bbox={'facecolor':'red', 'alpha':0.8, 'pad':2})
    g.text(year_min, sqm_per.iloc[:, i].min(),
           "{1:0.2f} $\%$\n{0:0.0f} (min)".format(year_min, sqm_per.iloc[:, i].min()),
           style='italic', horizontalalignment='right',
           bbox={'facecolor':'red', 'alpha':0.8, 'pad':2})
plt.savefig('FIGURES/btyp_share_new.png', dpi=300)
In [10]:
sqm_tot = pd.concat([
    pd.DataFrame(sqm.iloc[1] + sqm.iloc[0], columns=['Non Residential']),
    pd.DataFrame(sqm.iloc[3] + sqm.iloc[2], columns=['Residential'])],
In [11]:
Non Residential    0.647541
Residential         1.74372
Name: 2013.0, dtype: object
In [12]:
g = sqm_tot.div(sqm_tot.iloc[0]).plot(figsize=(10, 5))
g.set_ylabel(r'Index buildings constructed');
g.set_title("Index of number of constructed buildings (1996=1)");
for i in [0, 1]:
    g.text(2013, sqm_tot.div(sqm_tot.iloc[0]).iloc[-1, i],
           "{0:0.0f} buildings (2013 = {1:0.2f})".format(sqm_tot.iloc[-1, i],
                                               sqm_tot.div(sqm_tot.iloc[0]).iloc[-1, i]),
           style='italic', horizontalalignment='right',
           bbox={'facecolor':'red', 'alpha':0.8, 'pad':2})
plt.savefig('FIGURES/btyp_total_buildings.png', dpi=300)
In [13]:
sqm_du = constructions.loc[(
    'Bâtiments résidentiels',
    slice('Nouvelles constructions'),
        'Superficie habitable (m²)',
        'Nombre de logements',
), :]
sqm_du.index = sqm_du.index.droplevel([0,1])
In [14]:
sqm_du = sqm_du.iloc[1].div(sqm_du.iloc[0]) = 'sqm per DU'
In [49]:
MU_du = 74.92
MU_sd = 7.01
x = [i for i in range(2001, 2014)]
y = [MU_du + i/4 for i in range(13)]
y1 = [i+MU_sd for i in y]
y2 = [i-MU_sd for i in y]
In [53]:
g = sqm_du.plot(figsize=(10, 5), label='new DU')
g.set_ylabel('$m^2$ per dwelling unit')
g.set_title("Average dwelling unit size for new constructions (residential)")
for e, i in enumerate(sqm_du.index):
    if e in [0, 3, 6, 12, 16, 17]:
        g.text(i, sqm_du.loc[i],
               "{0:0.0f} = {1:0.2f} $m^2$".format(i, sqm_du.loc[i]),
               style='italic', horizontalalignment='right',
               bbox={'facecolor':'red', 'alpha':0.8, 'pad':2})
g.plot(x, y, "--", label='existing DU $\mu$')
g.fill_between(x, y1=y1, y2=y2,
               label='existing DU $\sigma$', color='green', alpha=0.3)
plt.savefig('FIGURES/btyp_du_size.png', dpi=300)